Oil and Climate -“World Energy Outlook” with Jeremy Bentham from Shell

Yesterday I went to a CEDA Luncheon: “World Energy Outlook” with Jeremy Bentham, Vice President Global Business Environment of Shell. Basically, he is the guy who forecasts strategic energy trends for Shell to help it to help future-proof its business.

It was an interesting talk. In short he said:  that the decisions governments across the world make on energy policy over the next five years will define the way the world looks in 2050 and that this would define whether the next 50 years where a time of “extraordinary opportunity or misery”.

This is partly because most major energy projects, including oil, gas and renewables, have expected project lives of 20-30 years, current decision-making would set world energy supplies as far out as 2050.

Key to this is cities where $300 trillion will be invested in cities over coming decades as 75% of the population moves into them by 2050.

The equivalent of one new Perth is busily been built every week!

This investment in energy and cities will define whether we are able to move towards more sustainable planet or not

Jeremy Bentham wasn’t too concerned about peak oil as he thought that alternative energy such as gas, coal seam methane and oil sands would fill the gap that would be left by the likely decline in conventional oil supplies

He was however deeply concerned about climate change and said that Shell accepted the scientific consensus that anthropogenic carbon emissions led to global warming and that Shell already factored a carbon price into its project planning.

The most depressing part of his talk was that the best case scenario for CO2 was 650ppm by 2100 which means that we have a 95% chance of temperature rises above 2 degrees which scientists have called a “guardrail” for dangerous climate change.

This is backed up by figures out this morning which, according to the latest estimates, human activity last year sent 30.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the world’s atmosphere — 5 per cent more than in 2009 — with most coming from burning fossil fuels.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says emissions on this path would give a 50-50 chance of a 4-degree increase in average temperatures by 2100.

“The panel projected that 4 degrees warming could lead to the extinction of more than 40 per cent of the world’s species, coastal flooding hitting millions of people each year and increased morbidity placing a large burden on health services”

The energy/climate change challenge really is a huge one but it seems that our political and business leaders understand the problem but are not able or willing to map out a sustainable path to address the issue.

The City of Fremantle is putting together its draft Low Carbon City Plan and Peak Oil Strategy as we speak. I think it shows how Fremantle can play its part and more and we’d love your feedback on these when they come out.

Cheers, Brad

Soroptimist International – Help the Homeless Art Auction – June 11th

Help the Homeless Art Auction

5pm Saturday 11 June 2011
The University of Notre Dame.
Cnr Mouat & Croke Sts, Fremantle, entrance on Croke St
Open for public viewing 12 noon – 5pm Thurs 9, Fri 10, Sat 11 June
Soroptimist International of Fremantle is delighted to present the second annual Help the Homeless Art Auction to
be held 5 – 7pm Saturday 11 June 2011 at The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, preceded by viewing for the
Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso, Hans Arkeveld, Roy Lichtenstein, Theo Koning, Tony Windberg,
Regina Noakes, Amanda Shelsher, Shirley Clancy, Tania Ferrier, Helen Foster, Jody Broun,
Eve Arnold, Cher Shackleton, Toby Bell, Lynne Tinley, Joan Johnson, Margaret Benoit,
Julie Podstolski, Ken Sealey, D’hange Yammanee, Trish Scambler, Stewart Scambler,
Brian Simmonds, Robyn Varpins, Peta Miller, Craig Boulter, Susan Marwick,
Sharon Dawes, Peter Fitzsimmons, Brian Yates, Dora Wari
Fremantle Street Doctor mobile health clinic, with a recent unprecedented triple surge in patients, serves the
physical and mental needs of homeless and at-risk marginalised people with low or no income, transients,
substance abusers and those with diagnosed and undiagnised mental illness.
The Sisters’ Place is a project of St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, supported by five congregations of
religious women and staffed by Sisters and other volunteers drawn from the community. It provides a safe bed
at night to homeless women who sleep in the parks and streets of Fremantle. Over 3,450 safe sleeps have been
provided since its inception.
The Red Cross Soup Van service began in 1974. The van operates 365 nights a year and makes 5 stops around
Fremantle every night, on average serving around 40 people per night.
Curator Lyn DiCiero says, “often people don’t know how they can help, but through the auction buyers will have a
lasting reminder of their contribution.”
A wide range of prices and styles to suit every budget. Participating artists are included by invitation only.
View works online: http://www.fremantlegpnetwork.com.au
Telephone bids available
For interviews and photo opportunities contact:
Curator Lyn DiCiero on 9336 1861, email art@artistschronicle.com
Proudly presented by S O R O P T I M I S T I N T E R N A T I O N A L O F F R E M A N T L E
Supported by The University of Notre Dame and WA Art Auctions

A video reflection on sustainable cities

Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute PhD candidate Linda Blagg is looking at Fremantle Council and sustainability as part of her Doctorate. She is also a great film maker. In this video Linda videos Peter Newman interviewing me about my study tour of sustainable cities – featuring Paris, Portland and New York I did late last year

Ping-Pong, coffee and bocci in the square

To make the most of the endless fine weather, tomorrow, Saturday the 14th of May there will be an informal:

Ping-Pong, coffee and bocci  in the square from 10am

I’ll bring bats and balls, bocci and maybe even table soccer and Cr Dave Coggin might even bring his coffee machine.

The activation of Kings Square has been slowly taking shape over the past few months. Free WiFi is up and running and we’ll be putting out table and chairs in coming weeks to encourage even more people to enjoy this great space more often.

Fremantle Markets Restoration

Today the newly restored facade of  Fremantle Markets was unveiled. Thanks to all involved. It really does look fantastic. It includes some nice layers of history including a Freddo Frog ad from the mid 20th century and Hardware ad from even earlier.  Cr John Dowson took these pictures

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Jus Burgers will be moving in to the corner shop in coming weeks

Sustainable Home Retrofitting Expo on Sunday May 15.

In the spirit of neighbourly cooperation and sustainability I thought you might be interested in the City of Cockburn’s Sustainable Home Retrofitting Expo on Sunday May 15 at Memorial Hall cnr of Carrington and Rockingham Roads.

The City of Fremantle hosted one a couple of years ago. It’s coordinated by Greenskills. Please  pass onto your networks.

It’s a free event and people can wander through at their leisure during the course of the day.

It’ll be located in Hamilton Hill, so in quite close proximity to Fremantle and its catchment.