Now is time to ‘Donate without doubt’

This week (7 to 13 August) is Homelessness Week which seeks to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness and the issues these people face.

Homelessness continues to rise as an issue across Australia. For example, the number of people accessing specialist homelessness support for financial reasons has increased from 11.2% in 2006-7 to 20.1% in 2015-16 (AHIW, 2016). Fremantle like many centres sees this first hand and is working in partnership with services providers to address this complex and challenging problem.

A  great way for residents to help address homelessness was to support ‘Donate without doubt’. The ‘Donate without doubt’ campaign provides funds to St Patrick’s Community Support Centre, allowing the centre to provide vital services to those in need.

Spare change collection boxes placed throughout the CBD provide a convenient and effective way of donating and all donations are matched dollar for dollar by the City of Fremantle.

Since the launch of the ‘Donate without doubt’ initiative in February 2016, more than $12,000 has been donated to St Patrick’s. These donations help provide emergency relief, housing, meals, education and health services.

Fremantle community had a long standing history of giving.  ‘Donate without doubt’ is a joint collaboration between the City of Fremantle, WA Police and Community Newspaper Group.

Visit  for more information.



About Deputy Mayor of Fremantle blog
City of Fremantle Deputy Mayor

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